Whiskey In The Jar
And today, I'll be going to pack up all of my things, mostly are clothes and bed sheets. The rest of my things my sis will bring them back home by Christmas. It will be a very busy day as my sis will also be moving out to Equine Park, further down where the rental is much more cheaper and since my sis just bought a car so I guess transport would not be a problem. Glad that it is settled.
By the way, I got a gift from David of Chocolate Gallery yesterday. I thought it was thoughtful of him. He brought me some chocolates.
They come in three flavors; Tiramisu, Coffee and Coconut
There's a lot of people you want to remember and some you just want to forget. Life in this bank was not always shiny. There are some shitty days as well but of course good things matters the most - Give and take, forgive and forget.