Here I Stand
Posted by cibol
6:55 AM

It's official - I would be station in Miri from now on. It's expected but still in a way I was quite dissapointed. I was hoping to get a bigger chunk of market in Bintulu. I group my members today and tell them the good news (for them) that I'm staying put in Miri until further notice but in the meantime I told them the hard cold fact that there are possibilities that we will face a never ending war againts that humongous target being placed upon me.
I was a little bit stressed out yesterday. The two of my members try very hard to make me feel better by saying that they will give me their full support. Not that I question their effort or support but for me to go against a tiny market, head to head with a few other auto finance centres and against my own colleagues sounds a little bit scary.
After I sat down and did my own calculation, I lay out the blue print figure for the team yesterday. We need a daily disbursement figure at 150,000 daily in order to achieve our target and for that I told them that we might need to go all out for disbursement of new car instead of the usual used car. Not to ignore them at all but I think effort should be focus more on bringing in new cars because of the cutting points that used cars are going to cost us in the future.
At the moment the team is doing at about 110,000 disbursement rate daily which is not bad but it could be better. I do not think that it is enough for the whole team, it will not be enough to prevent all of us to be issued a show cause letter by the end of the third month and that I am quite scared of.
Boss had been telling me that I am doing quite well in my daily disbursement taken into account that I am quite new in this field, she said that it was actually quite an encouraging figure and I just need to keep that up. I do not know, what I know - It is not enough. I know because I've done my calculation. I need to push it up to another 100,000 if possible or 50,000 the least.
So today
I feel rather enthusiastic to go on a roll. I would like to keep that energy and be focus rather. It's not easy to managed a team because you as the main man need to be strong and can't be seen losing hope in your fight. I will do just that. My aim, I am going to be in Bintulu but nefore that I need to prove myself here in Miri. I will make them know that it is important for them to put me in Bintulu in order to increase branch achievement.
For that, I pray.